May 2024 Volunteer Highlight: Russell Willier & Blue

What programs do you support at JHC?

Blue: Social Stride, attended the Rural Youth Anti-Racism Retreat in Oct 2023, & Ignite Change Convention - Youth Leadership Series

Russell: Social Stride, Stride Advocacy, Anti-Discrimination, and Education in Schools

How and why did you first get involved with JHC?

Blue: My supervisor at the time got an email regarding the Social Stride Youth Retreat back in October of 2023.

Russell: My friend Blue invited me out to Social Stride Leadership Series [part of the Ignite Change Convention] in December 2023.

What are your (volunteer) activities and what do they involve?

Blue: I have participated in Social Stride’s Youth Retreat, the 75th Anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and just recently, the Alberta Teachers’ Association X JHC DEHR conference.

Russell: [I took part in the] Social Stride Leadership Series (December 2023), and attended the recent Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) Conference in April 2024.

How long have you been a volunteer for this initiative (and for JHC as a whole)? 

Blue: I have been a “participant/volunteer” for JHC since mid-October, 2023.

Russell: I have been involved with JHC since December 2023 and I’m happy to continue collaborating.

What is it like to volunteer for this initiative? 

Blue: It is incredible. Amazing team, wonderful activities, actively reducing barriers in fully covering transport [to attend the activities I was a part of].

Russell: The JHC is very supportive and fun to work with. I always learn lots and enjoy collaborating with like-minded people.

Are there any learnings/challenges you have experienced through this work?

Russell: I learned a lot just listening to other people’s experiences; I haven’t had any challenges yet. 

Blue: Many learnings, a lot of sharing through circles and 1-on-1 conversations with other participants.

What has surprised you most about this role?

Blue: How simple it is to be involved.

Russell: How well JHC brought like-minded people together to collaborate on projects

Are you interested in volunteering with the JHC?

We love having diverse peoples and talents working alongside us!

Check out our Volunteer Page to find out more.
