Farewell and best wishes to our valued and honoured staff member, Chelsea Burke!
Farewell and best wishes to our valued and honoured staff member, Chelsea Burke!
Chelsea was part of the JHC team for over six years and as our education coordinator, Chelsea led, designed and facilitated an immense amount of work; from Advancing Truth and Reconciliation in Schools, Rad Educators Network, and Roots4Change. These past two years under COVID, Chelsea became a major force behind food justice work in the city. Through this work, she had created a volunteer-run community kitchen - an amazing effort that brought together and created community.
To keep up with Chelsea's food work, follow her small food business, Dhala Dhala!
Thank you for being incredible, Chelsea. We will miss you! Edmonton is a better place with you in it.
Chelsea has also played a major role in our PD workshops for Educators on Truth and Reconciliation.
She helped create a meaningful process whereby students explore reconciliation from a rights-based lens. The pilot program consisted of nine learning sessions and three student-led Call to Action sessions. We invited elders and community members to share their knowledge on a variety of important topics such as Indigenous language, worldview and treaty.
“Our goal in Advancing Reconciliation is to create safe spaces for Indigenous students and their peers to discuss, recommend, and develop student-led initiatives that promote reconciliation in their schools and communities,” Chelsea Burke.
Check out the Calls to Action, which use interactive arts-based learning approaches that focus on Indigenous voices and issues in Canada.
In addition, the 2019 Zine explores some of the complex themes and ideas in JHC’s Advancing Truth and Reconciliation Toolkit from youth, knowledge keepers, and community members we worked with in 2018/19.