Empowering Advocates Through Human Rights Training

By Edward Li

Edmonton, AB

I recently had the honor of participating in a Human Rights Advocacy training hosted by the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights in Edmonton with the financial support of the McConnell Foundation. The event saw a remarkable turnout, with participants eager to deepen their understanding of human rights and discrimination, network with like-minded advocates, and build skills to advance the rights of marginalized communities using existing human rights mechanisms.

During the training, we dug into the history and principles of human rights, with a particular focus on the mechanisms available at various levels of governance in Canada to uphold these rights and combat oppression. The training’s topics covered:

  • The History of Oppression in Canada: Understanding the roots and evolution of systemic discrimination.

  • Foundational Concepts of Human Rights: Exploring the international human rights framework and its application.

  • Mechanisms for Accountability: Learning about federal and provincial systems for accessing justice and remedies.

  • Human Rights Advocacy Methods: Developing strategies to hold systems accountable and push for systemic change.

One of the most enriching aspects of the training was the opportunity to meet fellow advocates from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. This diversity fostered a rich environment for collaboration and mutual learning. We participated in real-life scenario exercises, which allowed us to apply our newly acquired knowledge to practical situations. This hands-on approach not only reinforced our learning but also equipped us with concrete skills to advocate effectively in our communities.

The experience was profoundly impactful, not only for me but also for my fellow attendees. Here are some of the heartfelt reflections shared by participants:

  • Amazing training. I feel hopeful. The clarity around which I now feel is a pathway forward in filing human rights complaints. I am so grateful for this and for you!”

  • “I gained many connections and was provided space and resources to further my learning outside of this course. Thank you so much!”

  • “Expectations absolutely exceeded. I feel way more equipped and fired up. The combination of information and opportunity for dialogue was a great opportunity. Great exercise with the creation of characters - put things into practice. Thank you!”

  • “How wonderfully informative you were. Thankful to have this opportunity afforded to us. We feel much more encouraged and empowered to help in our community with all these resources.”

The training highlighted the importance of creating spaces for open, honest, and brave dialogue about human rights and systemic oppression. Participants engaged in deep discussions, forming bonds and a shared commitment to advocacy. It was a testament to the power of community and collaboration in dismantling oppressive systems.

One facilitator, Parveen Parmar, highlighted the significance of these connections, stating, "Part of the intention of the colonial project is to keep us divided and separated; only by coming together and having true connection, conversation, and collaboration are we able to dismantle the oppressive forces that keep us down."

I hope that after this training, my fellow attendees will share their learnings with their friends, family, and colleagues, spreading awareness and fostering a broader commitment to human rights advocacy. Together, we can build a more just and equitable society for all.