Winnipeg: A Hub for Human Rights Advocacy

Winnipeg emerged as a key hub for human rights advocacy with the return of the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights' Stride Advocacy team. Now in its second year, this impactful human rights advocacy training has been made possible thanks to the financial support of the McConnell Foundation. This three-day event was designed to deepen participants' understanding of human rights and discrimination, provide valuable networking opportunities with other advocates and organizations, and equip them with the necessary skills to advance the rights of marginalized community members using established human rights mechanisms for accountability.

Parveen Parmar, a facilitator of the Stride Advocacy training, reflects on its significance:

"The training drew local advocates who attended over the course of three days. Many participants arrived with their own teams, focusing on creating individualized advocacy strategies to address specific human rights cases they were facing. We grounded ourselves into the space through learning about the history of oppression and stories of resilience in Canada, to understand how systemic discrimination permeates at all levels of society. Our hope is that the connections made during the training will continue to foster and grow into unified action to drive meaningful change in the participants’ own advocacy."

The training was more than just an educational experience—it was an opportunity to build a community of advocates who are united in their mission to challenge systemic discrimination and promote human rights. Participants left with a deeper understanding of the historical and ongoing struggles faced by marginalized communities in Canada, as well as the tools and strategies needed to combat these issues effectively.

Feedback from those who attended the training highlights the profound impact it had on them:

  • “I learned more than I expected and it really helped me understand where to start in being an advocate!”

  • “I appreciated all of the material (physical paper and slides/resources shared via email) so I can refer back regularly. I will need to refer back because of the high volume of info – this is good!”

  • “Very knowledgeable team members and presenter. Thank you for sharing your passion and expertise.”

  • “Absolutely, I appreciated the expertise, delivery and finesse of both facilitators.”

  • “Thank you SO MUCH! This training was AMAZING. I deeply appreciated the skilled and knowledgeable co-facilitation, and built-in time to apply learning directly to practice. I would absolutely recommend this training to anyone involved in advocacy work of any kind.”

These reflections indicate the value of the training in not only providing essential knowledge but also inspiring participants to apply what they learned in their own advocacy efforts.

As the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights continues its mission to empower advocates across the Prairies, the connections made during the Winnipeg training will hopefully flourish into sustained efforts to drive meaningful change. By fostering an environment of learning, solidarity, and action, the Stride Advocacy team is helping to build a future where human rights are upheld and protected for all, especially those who have been traditionally marginalized.