July 2023 Volunteer Highlight: Amy Pham

What part of the province/country do you live in? 

Calgary AB 

What Program with JHC are you involved with (Check all that Apply)

Stride Advocacy (Including poverty advocacy)

How and why did you first get involved with JHC

I was scrolling through volunteer opportunities on Volunteer Connector when I saw a posting to be a Human Rights Advocate with the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (JHC). JHC’s Mission, Vision, and Values deeply resonates with me and I’m so glad I can empower JHC by contributing as a Human Rights Advocate. Moreover, I’m super passionate about Human Rights and how they play a vital role across all aspects of every human’s life including freedom from discrimination, access to education, equal work opportunities, freedom of opinion and expression just to name a few.

What are your (volunteer) activities and what do they involve?

I’m a Human Rights Advocate with the Stride Advocacy program. This role involves supporting community members with their human rights related concerns and ensuring their views are heard. I work with community members to report or file their issues to the appropriate human rights mechanisms in order to support their desired outcomes. I’m able to assist them by drafting complaints/letters and act as a witness/observer in proceedings.

How long have you been a volunteer for this initiative (and for JHC as a whole)?

I’ve been volunteering with JHC since June 2021.

What is it like to volunteer for this initiative?

It’s extremely rewarding being a Human Rights Advocate because you’re able to contribute to a community member’s voice and support them in being heard. Furthermore, the mission behind the Stride Advocacy program resonates with me because I’m able to support community members with their human rights related concerns and ensure their views are heard.

What has surprised you most about this role?

This role is so diverse. I’m part of an amazing team where we collaborate and work cohesively to achieve the same goals. I also have the opportunity to listen to every community member’s story, be able to support them by documenting their human rights issues and bring them to light to self-advocate.

Are there any learnings/ challenges you have experienced through this work?

I consider myself a lifelong learner so I appreciate all the valuable learning opportunities and challenges that come with every case! Through this, I can be a better advocate and continue supporting community members to the best of my ability.