Ignite Change Global Convention: Rabia Khedr

The Ignite Change Global Convention is thrilled to announce the first in our lineup of incredible speakers, Rabia Khedr!

Rabia is the National Director of Disability without Poverty, an organization committed to ending poverty for people with disabilities in Canada; CEO of DEEN Support Services, a disability service provider ensuring culturally and spiritually responsive services; and a consultant with diversityworX, a company that trains organizations in cultural competency and accessibility. She is the founder of Race and Disability Canada and previously served as commissioner with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. She is a member of the Minister’s Disability Advisory Group and also sat on the board of Accessibility Standards Canada

We’re excited to welcome Rabia as our keynote speaker on December 4th, where we will acknowledge the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with a series of events and talks on Confronting Ableism and Building Disability Justice. 

Find out more about our schedule, or if you would like to receive programming updates and to be notified when early bird and regular tickets will be available, please provide us with your contact information here.

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