ArtAbilize: Challenging Ableism

"ArtAbilize: Challenging Ableism" is a zine born from the collaboration of creative minds within the disability community. Originating from the Action on Ableism Retreat during the 2023 National AccessAbility Week, this zine captures the journey of breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity.

Through stories and artwork, "ArtAbilize" sheds light on the impact of ableism—the systemic obstacles that limit the dignity and rights of people with disabilities. It also celebrates their resilience.

Our main goal is to give visibility to artists with disabilities who are often overlooked in traditional art spaces. By showcasing their work and creating inclusive platforms, we challenge norms and foster a fair artistic environment.

The retreat was a turning point, bringing together people to use creativity as a tool for advocacy. Through workshops and shared experiences, participants explored the complexities of ableism and used creativity to empower themselves.

Join us in "ArtAbilize" to witness the triumphs, struggles, and deep insights of individuals united in the quest for dignity, accessibility, and disability rights. Together, we illuminate paths toward a more inclusive society.


Ableism is the belief that people with disabilities have less worth than people without disabilities. For instance, some people may hold the false belief that people with disabilities matter less than non-disabled people because they think:

  • People with disabilities cannot contribute to society

  • People with disabilities need help from non-disabled people, who are more important

  • Certain movements, senses or thought processes are needed for every-day activities, such as:

    1. Can not care for homes and families

    2. Working, marriage, living independently