In this session, we invite a team of leaders actively working to address hate, racism, discrimination, and misinformation to help us lay some context and know what supports exist when responding online. Our goal is to equip Canadian youth with the knowledge to address and respond to these issues.
Read MoreChelsea was part of the JHC team for over six years and as our education coordinator, Chelsea led, designed and facilitated an immense amount of work; from Advancing Truth and Reconciliation in Schools, Rad Educators Network, and Roots4Change. These past two years under COVID, Chelsea became a major force behind food justice work in the city.
Read MoreOn Sunday November 21st, 2021, a team of 9 volunteers supported by the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (JHC) and Coalition for Justice and Human Rights (CJHR) travelled to the town of Wetaskiwin, Alberta to conduct a Human Rights Clinic.
Read MoreWith the rising cost of fresh food caused by inflation, home and community gardens provide food with nutritional value and at the same time strengthens relationships with community ties and engagement.
Read MoreECRRC was an effort of over 13 social service agencies and community partners that came together over the nine months to provide culturally appropriate and dignified support for those that were COVID+ or in isolation.
Read MoreWe are looking for an intern to support public education and awareness raising to strengthen food security and anti-poverty work.
Read Morethe John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (JHC) is pleased to invite you to a virtual roundtable and network gathering taking place online on November 20, 2021
Read MoreA limited number of participants will be selected for this program. While this program is open to all, people living with disability will be our priority to participate. We will work with you to innovate in how we can ensure your full and equal participation.
Read MoreWe are conducting a research on the federal human rights complaint mechanism in Canada. Our goal is to identify barriers for human rights complainants within the Canadian Human Rights Commission in order to address the issues of the most vulnerable in our communities.
As part of the project, we are inviting past or current complainants who have filed a human rights complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission to share their insights on their experience.
Read MoreEdmonton, September 29, 2021− The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (JHC) invites media and community to read and engage with the Action Alberta St. Paul Calling Ourselves to Action and Justice Report. The report will be released September 30, 2021 at 1:00 pm as part of a day of Truth and Reconciliation at Mannawanis Friendship Centre.
Read MoreThe John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights invites you to join them for their 2021 Human Rights Awards on September 21, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Zoom.
Read MoreOver the past year a team of thirteen people, known as Radical Inclusion, have worked diligently to develop and submit a formal report to the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities highlighting the challenges and need for progress on disability rights.
Read MoreRegister for upcoming gatherings in Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Slave Lake, and Edmonton!
Read More“I wanted to volunteer for people who struggled to advocate for themselves. I liked that there was a street outreach, and a pantry as well. I loved the idea of not turning anyone away and just saying "no" .. it's important to me to help my community and those with the smallest voices struggling really need the support and it makes me so happy to do it.”
Read MoreOn June 17, 2021, members of Righting Relations Regina joined City of Regina dignitaries and community leaders in the heart of the city to celebrate the renaming of Dewdney Park and Dewdney Pool to Buffalo Meadows Park and Pool.
Read MoreBethel Place Food Pantry is a safe place for in-need community members to access free food within the Alberta Ave area. With the barriers put up for families to access food through the schools and the deepening of the COVID pandemics impact on the most vulnerable, as a collective, our goal has been to ensure dignity and access to food. Since its opening in October 2020, the pantry has served about 4500 people and their families, with an average of 95 people in 2 hours! Personally, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be involved in this initiative.
Read MoreOver the past year we have continued to live through times of upheaval and change. And while change can be scary, it can also be transformative, revitalizing, and healing. We have seen our communities and our city come together to have important conversations about human rights, justice, and the security of all who live here. We have seen many take pause, reflect, learn, and join in conversations about how we can rebuild and reimagine our society.
Read MoreThe JHC Community Kitchen was created as a way to bring people together to help feed our fellow humans as the pandemic exacerbated financial and food insecurity in our city and across the world. We have found that access to nutritious food is pushed to the margins for many people in our communities. Over the last 16 months many people have stepped up to cook meals in their homes to help people in their neighborhoods.
Read MoreJHC is a partner with the RARICANow & Stonewall Online Symposium - happening on June 25-26 (this Friday&Saturday!) An amazing line up of speakers!
Read More“I have met amazing people. The moderating and admin team of the Facebook group have been some of the most selfless, driven, and helpful people I've met. I learned more about JHC during the process, and am so impressed and inspired by Renee and her hard work and dedication.”
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